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Our New Schedule Management Process!

21/05/2020 • Category

At AAB, one of our core values is ensuring a user friendly experience from concept to delivery. With the current changes in build programmes, we have fast tracked our 'Weekly Schedule Update' to improve your visibility and our response to change!

Commencing on a weekly basis from Tuesday 19th of May at 7am, we will now send you your full delivery schedule, with two options to confirm or amend your deliveries, see below our guide to managing this new process.

-Email Arrives-

Tuesday 7am, Your schedule will arrive to the email address entered by the AAB representative.

-Review - If You Approve-

If you agree with your scheduled deliveries at they appear on our system, simply click "Confirm" on the email you recieve which will take you to a custom AAB window via your browser where only one click is required to confirm.

-Review - If Your Schedule Is In Anyway Incorrect-

If you disagree with any deliveries on your schedule or need to make any amendments, simply click "Refuse" on the email you recieve which will take you to a custom AAB window via your browser where only one click is required to refuse this schedule.

-Finishing The Process-

When you arrive in the custom AAB window, simply click the confirm or refuse button depending on the review of your schedule, this can be found in the centre left of the screen. Once this has been selected by yourself, our team at AAB will be notified and will be in contact to confirm deliveries or discuss the requirements of your schedule.

The system doesn't replace any of our current calls to confirm deliveries, however, it is designed to provide a longer term overview of demand and give a higher level of clarity for both us at AAB and youerselves to ensure maximum productivity for your project.
