Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

Our Organisational Structure

All About Bricks Ltd is one of the largest independent supplier and manufacturer of clay facing bricks in the UK and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rijswaard Baksteen – based in the Netherlands. All About Bricks are also the primary distributor in the UK of a number of leading European brick manufacturers.

Our Commitment

AAB are committed to high standards of corporate governance to ensure the business is managed in a socially responsible way. We believe that modern slavery, in all its forms, whether slavery, child exploitation, forced labour, or human trafficking, is fundamentally wrong and we accept our responsibility to ensure it does not occur within our company group or within our supply chain.

We are therefore fully committed to preventing modern slavery in any part of our business including our supply chains to ensure we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We recognise that everyone in the business has to be aware of the requirements of this Act to ensure we can comply.

How we Achieve our Commitment

To achieve this and mitigate any risk we have implemented the following for 2021/22: -

  • Updating the Supplier approval process to include a Modern Slavery Assessment
  • Ensuring staff awareness of the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and this statement.
  • Publishing this statement on our website.
  • Updating this policy annually.

Our Assessment

We have strong partnerships with our European brick manufacturers and understand their supply chains well. We also have strong partnerships with our shipping providers. Based on this, we assess there is a low risk of modern slavery within our supply chain, but to ensure we manage this risk proactively, we will review our approach on an annual basis as required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015.